Saturday, December 6, 2008

Orange Shoes

I admit this pic was taken back in the Spring on one of my store window strolls but I just love those Orange shoes and wanted to post them, even tho I would never wear them as I have officially entered into the grandma footwear of comfort zone and these don't fall into that category by any means. I haven't posted lately and I haven't been out taking pics lately either cuz of the "elevator modernizin'". I'm on countdown to week 5 of elevator repair and in hibernation til the thing is working again! I meant to go out today, really I did! I also need to get with it with this blogging thang. I look at other folks blogs and they are great. I just haven't gotten into the swing of it all yet.


Gina Martin said...

ha! i wear old lady shoes too! ever since i broke my big toe it hurts too much to wear anything but clogs!

& i don't blame you avoiding the stairs...i'm a homebody too & i don't even have the elevator situation on which to blame wearing pajamas all day... i hope you can get out soon!

Linda Davick said...

You're in the swing of it now! I love those shoes.

hmmm.... maybe you could give us a tour of your apt while you're sequestered. Or introduce us to your cats?

Cheryl said...

Gina- I have shoe lust for shoes I will never be able to wear. I just draw them and take pics of them instead:) And it doesn't take much of an excuse to make me hibernate. Especially when it's cold outside, or too hot or too wet or too...anything.

Linda- You could wear those shoes girl! Pics of the homestead, good idea. I have some I took already so will work on that. Cats are all in kit kat heaven tho, so I'll have to post some cat drawings I've done over the years instead.